Database Reactivation

Keeping customers engaged with your business is key for long-term sales. Building more personal relationships with your existing audience is one of the best customer retention strategies over the long term.

If you’re putting all your marketing efforts toward finding new customers, you’re missing out on a potentially significant stream of revenue that's already within your reach. Furthermore, retaining customers increases the average lifetime yield of each lead, feeding back into the value of customer acquisition.

Database reactivation could be the solution you need to boost YOUR business. If you like the sound of winning back inactive customers, you’re in the right place. We can craft an effective database reactivation campaign that will re-ignite your client list and bring customers back to your business!

Database Reactivation Services

What is Database Reactivation?

The idea behind database reactivation is simple - it’s far cheaper to retain and reactivate a customer than it is to acquire a new one.

The aim of customer reactivation is to “wake up” or “win back” dormant and disengaged customers. We can reach out to lapsed customers who have previously expressed interest but for some reason or other have since disappeared.

Reactivation campaigns generally involve custom messaging and/or special offers designed to bring inactive customers back into the fold.

Some of the benefits of a customer reactivation campaign include:

  • Increased revenues

  • Strengthen existing client relationships

  • Gain competitive intelligence

  • Improve Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

  • Reduced customer acquisition spend

Your business could be sitting on an untapped goldmine!

Why you should do this NOW...

According to business data collected by Invesp (the conversion rate experts) there are a ton of reasons why you should use database reactivation for your business and why it should be a priority.

It costs five times as much to attract a new customer to your business, than to keep an existing one.

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%.

Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more, when compared to new customers.

It's what your customers want!

According to Sendgrid's Global Messaging Engagement Report, people across generations and borders prefer email and SMS for their communications. That’s why SMS and email both deserve a place in your communication toolset.

Of course, database reactivation should only be done on those who have opted in to receive promotional offers, but for those who have, this is an ethical and beneficial way to increase your profits without forking out thousands on paid ads that don't always work!


At Boost My Business we can manage the entire setup and reactivation campaign so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things.

Click the button below to get started...

How does Database Reactivation work?

Reactivation campaigns can be tailored to suit your business. Take a look at an example of how this works below.


Using our automation software we can approach your customer base with an offer via Text Messaging. Our powerful AI can understand the customer's response and reply accordingly.

If no response to SMS is given we will automatically follow up with an email that contains the offer. This two-step approach ensures we maximise the chance of leads converting to paying customers.

We can even handle booking appointments online and sending appointment reminders!

Database Reactivation Example

This is just one very basic example of how to re-engage your customer list to bring them back to your business. It is extremely effective and, depending on the size of your list, can see your business booked up for months!

A.I. Powered Database Reactivation Campaigns

If you're looking for a more complex reactivation campaign, we can also use A.I to respond to incoming questions and even book appointments on your calendar!

Meet Squawky, our A.I. powered chat bot parrot!

"Ahoy there, matey. Squawky the Talky parrot here. Did you know I can auto-reply to questions asked via SMS, Facebook, Instagram, Google Chat and even reply to your online reviews?

I can also qualify your leads, sell them on your services and book appointments with ease. Squawk!"

A.I. chat bot for your website

What if I don't have a BIG list?

(Have you really looked?)

Many businesses don't think they have a sizeable list of past leads that they could approach with a database reactivation offer. However, if you look hard enough, you can find a considerable list of contacts that have engaged with your business at some point in the past, making them ideal targets for reactivation.

Here's a list of places you can find more contacts:

  • Your CRM

  • Email Lists

  • Abandoned Carts

  • Social Media Followers

  • Your Accountancy Software

  • Past Quotes

  • Event Attendees

  • Your POS

  • Survey Participants

  • Lead Magnets

  • Contacts In Your Phone


Take your business to the next level by harnessing the power of SMS marketing to re-engage your customers. At Boost My Business we can manage the entire setup and campaign so you don't have to worry about the technical side of things.

Click the button below to get the ball rolling...

Do you want more business without the unreliable ad spend?

We can help you design and launch a high-converting database reactivation campaign tailored to your business, niche or target market that gets you results.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We know the power of customer reactivation and we know it will benefit your business, so much so, we guarantee you'll be satisfied with the results.

If we don't generate you new business - we'll give you your money back.

It all starts with a click...

(It's this button, right here)

Database Reactivation FAQs

What's the success rate of DBR?

It depends on a number of factors eg. The age and quality of your list. The strength of your offer. We can tell you that SMS messages have a 90% open rate, so you've every chance of getting eyes on your message.

Is using SMS for marketing legal?

You're not breaking any laws by sending marketing based Email & SMS messages to customers who have opted in to receive them. If you can't prove a customer has opted in, you can't send them marketing messages.

If you have a list of customer phone numbers and are unsure if they have opted in, you will need to contact them via email to ask if they would like to opt-in (We can aslo help with that). To remain GPDR compliant, we will only send SMS messages to customers who have opted-in.

Do I need to format my list?

Yes, ideally you need to curate the list to ensure no messages are sent to customers who have opted out of your marketing campaigns or problem customers (you know the ones). We will validate all emails to ensure we're not emailing dead email addresses to improve the overall deliverability of your emails.

How large of a list do I need?

We recommend having a list of at least 500 people to put in to a reactivation campaign. The bigger the list, the more responses you will get.

What sort of offers work best?

We can do campaigns that just start a conversation eg. 'We Miss You' but having a solid offer increases the chance of old leads converting in to new business. Simple product/service discounts are proven to work best eg. 'Grab 20% off our service if you reply to this text.'

Even better, throw in some scarcity and urgency and you'll have customers banging at the door to claim your offer. eg '$25 off for the first 25 responses to this message. Offer expires this Friday!'

Just know that the more compelling and irresistible your offer is, the more responses you will get.

Does this work for getting online reviews?

Definitely! Using our reactivation technique you can significantly gain more reviews for your business simply by reaching out to past clients using automation to request a review. Even better, review requests are considered 'market research' so don't fall foul of any GDPR rules. Contact us to find out more.

Database Reactivation Services for local businesses

Are you ready to (re)engage?

If you'd like us to implement a text and email database reactivation campaign to boost your business and increase revenue WITHOUT massive ad spend please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.

By providing my details above, I agree to receive text messages & emails from Boost My Business.

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